Why Gaming PC is Better than Gaming Laptop

 If you are a techie, then it could be your dream to buy a gaming pc India so that you can play your favourite game and accomplish other things that require powerful components. Gaming Laptops are a great alternative to the gaming PC and have some advantages as well, but gaming PCs are certainly better than gaming laptops.

In this blog, we will look at how Gaming Pcs are better than gaming Laptops. 

Gaming PC vs Gaming Laptop

People often get confused and cannot decide whether they should buy gaming pc India, gaming laptop, or a prebuilt gaming PC. Let’s clear the confusion between Gaming PC and Gaming laptops and see how gaming PCs are better than gaming laptops. 

  • Price

Probably the biggest disadvantage of gaming laptops is that they are very expensive. In the total cost of a gaming laptop, you can buy a gaming PC with all its high-quality components. 

  • Size & Weight

In modern times when everything is getting slim and smart, gaming laptops are still a bit thick and heavy. That’s because it is not possible to fit all the powerful components of a gaming Pc into a slim laptop. Make sure that you are ready enough to carry a heavy laptop everywhere you go.


  • Upgradability

Another significant drawback of having a gaming laptop is that it can’t be upgraded like a gaming PC. That’s fine for a regular gamer, but surely, not good news if you are a hardcore game lover.


  • Heat

Gaming laptops are powerful too and support other software very nicely. However, when you start playing games on them, they heat up. Gaming laptops have heat-controlling mechanisms but are not as powerful as gaming PCs.



It is for you to decide whether to want a gaming laptop or want to buy custom pc for gaming. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Gaming PCs, however, are a better option overall as they are cheap, powerful, and upgradable. 


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