How Gaming PC is Better than a Console

Owning a gaming PC is probably the coolest thing you can say you have. Before that, there was a time when consoles used to rule the world of gaming. They were cool, and playing games using them had a different vibe. Now anyone can buy Gaming PC Online, and therefore, these consoles are out of fashion. There are other reasons to prove how gaming PCs are better than consoles.

Gaming PC vs Console

Some gamers love to build their gaming PC from scratch, while others prefer to have a Prebuilt Gaming PC. It doesn’t matter what type of gaming PC you have; no one can disagree that playing games on a gaming PC are better than playing them on consoles. Given below are the reason to support this argument: 

  • On Gaming PC, you can play all types of games, while on consoles, you can only play limited games. For example, you cannot play PS3 Games on PS2 consoles or any PlayStation game on the Xbox console.

  • Gaming PCs are more expensive than consoles but have a long life. Plus, it is almost impossible to repair a console once they start malfunctioning. The additional cost of wires, games, and subscriptions is also included in consoles.

  • A gaming PC provides a better gaming experience than a console. Consoles can provide you up to 60 FPS in the best case, but Gaming PCs can provide you with 4K graphics that provides a buttery experience.

  • The biggest advantage of playing games on PC is that you can get games for free along with mods. Gaming is all about fun, and PCs provide it in a better way. How can someone play a game on a console while knowing there’s so much possible to do n a gaming PC? 



Whether it is an assembled gaming PC or a Prebuilt Gaming PC, there’s no way a console can beat the experience of both. Consoles are good but cannot match the definition of the gaming world today


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